My Crystal Fable
Owned and operated by Supriya, a self-confessed crystal fanatic and a lover of beautiful objects, Crystal Fables is driven by the desire to offer healing through the magical power of Mother Earth's unique formations. Her journey began when she was 7 and growing up in India, where she used to collect unique pebbles after school and bring them back as gifts for her family. Unbeknownst to everyone, she had begun a lifelong relationship with natural rocks, intuitively feeling connected to their unique vibrations and energies, and had an ever greater love for gifting them to loved ones.
Over the years, crystals have been a supportive companion and an intermediary therapist* through life's various trials and tribulations. This deep connection to the energies of crystals has inspired Supriya to create a space for everyone to experience the magic of crystals and the love and light they can bring into your lives.
Here at Crystal Fables, whether it is a crystal or jewellery, every piece is intuitively picked and selected with the sole purpose of finding it's forever home, in the loving hands of our customers.