Polished Crystals
I source crystals from around the world, and in some cases, beyond. Whether you are a crystal fanatic or a beginner, you are bound to find something you are drawn to among my collections. In case you are looking for something specific, please get in touch, and we will do our best to get it for you!
Spiritual Tools
I have a range of authentic and traditional tools available to aid you on your spiritual journey, including but not limited to sound bowls, incense, dhoop, smudge sticks, sage, gongs, etc. If there is something particular you are looking for, please get in touch and we will do our bst to get it for you!
Raw Specimens
I have a collection of some rare specimens from around the globe, all sourced in the most ethical methods, showing utmost respect to the Earth and in support of all the generational miners who depend on their mining skills for their livelihood. In case you are looking for something specific, please get in touch, and we will do our best to get it for you!
Thank you for visiting Crystal Fables. We offer high-vibrational crystals and high-quality jewellery on an order basis.
For all queries, contact us on supriya@crystalfables.co.uk or hello@crystalfables.co.uk 🙏